well,.. nothing much,... just rase cm bosan giler,.. facebooking dah, check email dah, main game situ sini dah,...so, finally decided 2 watch muvie wif dearie bro... hah,.. tgk title entry pon da tahu, tgk citer pe,... heh, wut else,.. of kos la 3idiot
hahahah,...ok,.. ak sirius malas nk talk much bout diz movie pon,.. i bet most of u ppl out there penah tgk cite ni,.. paling x pon, at least korang tahu la sdikit sbanyak pasal cite ni... kite skip je pasal casts, synopsis, directors, characteristics, etc2 pasal citer ni... all i wanna talk about is the messages yg ada dalam citer ni, yg korang kene tahu, and kene sedar...
ONE MAJOR Q TO EVERY PERSON OUT THERE.... korang rase, major exams yg korang amik mase std 6, form 3, form 5, sume 2,.. untuk uji korg punye knowledge or korang punye teknik untuk menjawab soalan,... ok,.. let say, korang cakap BOTH.... kalau ade teknik, takde knowledge, mestila korang xleh jawab, rite?
Tpi, ak jawab balik,...contoh senang:
ak ade knowledge,.. ak takdela pandai sangat dalam maths, tpi kalau takat nak lulus 2, ak boleh guarantee.... so, ak jawab soalan maths,... tapi, masalah nye, ak taktahu dan takde org bagitahu ak, yang ak kene tunjuk jalan pengiraan 1 per 1 (xtunjuk jalan kire, bukan salah kaedah-means ak tahu and faham cara kire, tapi ak skip few steps) so, ak failed sbb xde teknik menjawab...
Kawan ak plak,.. tade knowldge,.. mmg pegi kelas time awal2 tahun je.. ... kalau boleh jawab pon, soalan simple maths.. so, mmg guarantee xleh llus paper maths,.. tpi, bapak die pemeriksa kertas MATHS PMR... die jumpe satu teknik... (kalau korang tahu, ade teknik ni, korang just jawab samua A paper 1, korang confirm btul 10-11 q's and korang just kene jawab few q's-topik awal2 je for paper 2... just by that, korang llus) so, mamat ni pon dengan bangganya lulus.. walaupun die punye maths worst than ak punye maths...
nampak x comparison?? sistem peperiksaan kite byk mementingkan teknik, but not the knowledge itself.
because of diz, ade teachers yang hanya mengajar teknik untuk skor exams, bukan mengajar ilmu2 yang spatutnya... contoh: Ade jugak part yg teachers out there ajar,.. 'korang hafal je sentence ni kalau die keluar soalan ni...' ?? apekah??? so, kalau hafal je,.. bilenye ilmu 2 nak sampai? bilenye kitorang nak faham? no offense teachers,.. tpi, mmg ade cikgu2 yang mengajar guna kaedah ni,.. in fact, mase ak form 3, ade sorg cikgu ni bagi kitorg like 20 essays pasal novel, and suh kitorang hafal je essay 2,.. konfirm 20 marks dalam tangan... da kalau kitorg hafal je,.. bilenye kitorang reti nak buat our own sentences...MENGHAFAL is not the way!!-
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kalau takat hafal, anak ayam oso can get A!!! |
(korang boleh chck dalam movie scene dalam kelas yang lecturer mintak definition of machine)
ok,.. 2 pasal teknik, knowledge n exams bagai.. skang pasal GRADES plak... skang ni da slalu kite dgr sttments ni kat kedai2 ataupun tangga2 rumah mak2 kiah yang tade keje...
1. 'pandai kan anak Pak Pandir 2,.. dapat 10A....'
2. 'Isk,... anak P.Ramlee 2, xde la pandai pon,.. dapat 10B je...'
3. 'Anak Jackie Chan 2,..dapat 8A 2B je... isk.. da la xpandai,.. malas plak 2... tu yg xdapat semua A tu...'
mak2 kiah ni suke suki di hari raye je nak judge kepandaian anak orang dengan result exam... worst, diorang siap boleh cakap lagi mcmana attitudes anak2 ni by just looking at their grades....pandai2 je mak2 kiah ni... sape cakap anak Pak Pandir pandai? die sbnarnye bertuah sbab soalan ramalan yang die buat btul2 kuar mase exam... sape cakap anak P.Ramlee xpandai? die demam time exam,.. kire pandai la 2,.. time2 otak xberapa nak function boleh juge score B... and sape kate anak J.Chan malas? mase exam, dia tertinggal titik perpuluhan mase paper sains n maths... sbb tangan sakit prektis kungfu...---bukan niat nak reka cerita,.. tpi, just nk tunjuk yang sbnarnye ade byk lagi other factors yang menentukan grades,.. bukan kepandaian semata2... entah2,.. result diorang lebih kurang,..entah2..A and B diorang cuma dipisahkan dengan 1 @ 0.5 marks jee... who knows... SO... JANGAN SIMPLY JUDGE ORG BY JUST LOOKING AT THEIR GRADES~~!!!!!
(hah,... dalam movie ni pon ade pasal creating division acc. 2 grades... )
da 2,.. siap boleh bagi different treatment lagi dekat anak2 sebab result diorang berbeza,... xadil tahu??!!! kalau dah die lagi pandai, ak ni mmg IQ rendah,.. nk buat camne? yang penting ak da try as much as I could??!!
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huh!! sampai hatiii!!!~~~ Bill Gates pon xleh straight A,.. boleh ja kaya??? |
sebenarnya, banyak lagi things yang boleh learnt from diz movie,.. contohnye,.. how we should choose our own paths... the concept of learning.... method of teaching... the value of friendship... sume2 tu laa... i really wished to write more bout what ive learnt, but i dun think i can,... not in diz post... maybe in my next posts, tergerak lagi nk discuss bout diz, who knows??
basically, nk belajar, kene ikhlas,.. to know and to understand are two different things,.. i know who Jackie Chan is,.. tapi, just knowing him cant make me his friend , not even his fan, but to understand him can make me his greatest friend ever... MORAL: understand what u learned...
p/s: this might help (quotes from diz movie):
1. strive for excellent and then only success will come to you ~~ baba ranchodas
2. i am doing great because im in love with machines
3. everyday, all you think is to be no.1... to race.. but have you ever think that today, you might learn a new exciting thing?
contoh2 adalah rekaan semata2 dan tiada kene mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia,.. mekasih!! peace!!!
betOi tuh...kebanyakan sistem pembelajaran sekarang perlukn teknik je tp knOwledge ntah masOk ke x dlm kepala....cikgu ct dulu pOn cmtu,asek ckp awk hafal je yang mne awk bOley,yang len2 xnk pOn xpew..atlest dapat gk skOr markah...huhu...tu la mslh skrg....nti masok u , xthu mende...hahahaha....sepatotnye kena ubah sistem skrg neh :D
ReplyDeletebtul,.. i agree sgt2,.. xboleh kot, nk buat mcm2,.. mmg la teknik 2 boleh wat kite dapat stret a's.. tpi, boleh ke kite survive dgn expectation yg tggi sbb result kite bgus, tpi, kite punye real capability sebenarnye xla terror sgt pon,.. mnyusahkan kite juge,... strive for excellence,.. not for result,..~